How much mesos do you have
These Bosses can also be done on another character in the same world. Since they share a Storage you can just deposit your Mesos there. Extracting Philosopher Stones from Pensalir gear is a great way to get rid of your Equip tabs while making decent Mesos. First you have to level up your Alchemy in order to unlock Extractions. Check this article out for Fast Professions Skills.
Once you have done that, go out and fill your Equip tab with Pensalir Gear. Pensalir Gear is the best to use for extracting because of the level. Then go to Adrentmill and either click on the bottom right Extraction button or go to Alchemy and Extraction.
Place all your Pensalir and get those Philosopher Stones. They sell for k each and each gear can net you a good amount of Stones. While playing the game you should be noticing Mysterious Herbs and Veins.
Always Harvest them! The drops can help with leveling your Professions and it is possible to obtain Primal Essence and Confusion Fragments. They both sell for a ton of Mesos, 10 Mil and 1. They can also be used to help craft high level gear like Dominator Pendants. When defeating Bosses, they will drop Crusader Coins.
There are other things to buy in the shop but, the Meso Pouches are the best to get. I am a competitive person who loves challenges. Games have always been an outlet where I can experience many different worlds and stories.
Atleast on old times when you got gear for hard boss you got the investment back as profit in half a year and you could start making better gear for next bosses. Now there's not really that much profit to offer after cra since next profitable step would be hard bosses GL multiplying your dmg by 25 slower progression is fine but too slow is just annoying.
Prophetie wrote: ». Darkanomaly wrote: ». Spending a week, one whole week in order to have a small star force session to see your equipment possibly gain zero stats or quite literally go boom in front of you does not promote player satisfaction in any way, shape or form. It's also not feasible for the average working player. Should a player be allowed to progress on the sole condition they dedicate all leisure time online to this game?
When someone has 20 billion, they farmed for 20 hours at least. Especially when Black cubes cost mil for 6 that will most likely not give you what you want, you will need like 2 bil to get something you want but that will take like 7 weeks to achieve. RealTalkBruh wrote: ». Gotta do Kritias for those boss resets, KMS meta. Same goes with ursus and maple tour. Latemaster The OP is specifically talking about reboot. It was introduced when low-level farming was nerfed as a way to give players new to Reboot World a way of earning a decent amount of Mesos.
Maple Tour is pretty much like Monster Park, in which you fight the same dungeon over and over again to earn a fixed amount of mesos. You can enter twice a day for free. Unfortunately, this is one aspect of Reboot World that is Pay2Win. It's a very easy way to make mesos without putting in much effort; the only issue is that you have to pay Maple Points to do all your runs. Ursus is a raid boss that up to 18 players can fight together. It doesn't require much in terms of damage or organization to take him down and he can be killed 3 times a day for the rewards.
Each time you defeat Ursus, he gives Mesos to players who did well in the fight. Players who get Rank S will be rewarded around 30mil mesos per run, allowing you to earn up to mil a day for not much effort. If you join a guild, you can easily form a group to take down Ursus.
When you defeat a boss, they will drop what is called a Intense Power Crystal. Depending on the difficulty of the boss, the Intense Power Crystal sells for a lot of mesos.
You can sell up to 50 crystals a week per world, so ideally you want to take on the toughest bosses on your characters to maximize the amount you earn. For example, defeating the Chaos Root Abyss bosses will drop crystals worth around 40mil each, allowing you to get a quick profit.
If you have multiple characters capable of taking down the CRA bosses, you can sell multiple Boss Crystals each week, netting you a tidy profit for not much effort. The problem is of course gearing multiple characters to have enough damage to take down CRA Bosses. Those are pretty much all the main methods for earning mesos in Reboot Worlds.
For casual players, you'll want to stick to Maple Tour and Boss Crystals as you main income source. You can still make a billion or so mesos a week doing this and it doesn't require hours and hours of your time. For those looking to get to end-game fast, you'll definitely want to make an Arkanna farmer. One piece of star equipment can cost up to 30 billion mesos, so it's best to maximize your rates if you intend to get there fast. If you don't mind a slower progression, main account farming is the best method for most people.
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