Match com can you hide profile

Also, just from my own experience, their cookie for their website is pretty aggressive about keeping you logged in even when I change the setting it sometimes still seems to default to keeping me logged in and I continue to use Match because I review profiles sometimes so this happened recently to me. My question is. Although can everyone see when an email has been opened? Additional profile information unavailable. I can see her in My favorites, her active status and home photo.

Is this a block or some other matter. When searching for profiles on the right there is a side bar listing newest match members. Some profiles listed under the newest members side bar have been on the match site for months.

Does this mean they just renewed their subscription? For example my husband is on there. I believe when reported, Match. I have two questions… If I have someone show up in my singled out match of the day do I show up for their singled out match or any of their daily matches? Same question if I have a hidden profile.

My match. Recently, I could no longer see a profile that I used to be able to see. However, when I did a google search, I was able to view the profile that way. Any ideas on how that happened? Hey Brad, If my profile is hidden will I show up in other people matches?

They added you as a favorite before you hid your profile 2. The two of you communicated by email. Is their account finished? I suspect whoever your viewing has hidden their profile, some of the data is not shown until the un-hide it.

Someone I have been dating says he no longer has an active profile. However, he is still in my favorites and when I checked it, his picture shows up, says he was active within an hour yet I cannot view any other details. Can you tell me if he has hidden his profile or has he deleted it?

What does a search for someone look like if they have deleted their profile? May — that sounds like a hidden profile to me. I had addded someone to my favorites list while hidden.. I could still view their pic and profile while being hidden.. A few weeks later they hid their profile as well, but I could still see them in my favorites when they were hidden..

Is it possible that they deleted their entire profile account from match?? Also, I had unhid my profile for maybe 10 mins.. If someone is in your favorites, but they are hidden, would tery be able to see I had made them a favorite even though they have now hidden their account?

Just still unsure about the whole dating site since being single and testing the waters.. Please reply when you can.. Hey Vanna — my best guess is that if someone in your favorites disappears entirely, they probably deleted their profile. Sounds like someone who initially hid their profile perhaps because he met someone and then once the relationship had moved further, came back and deleted his profile.

Hi Steven — I did some searching around and found this in the Match. If I am offline, will I be able to see missed IMs? However, anyone who wishes to contact you will most likely send you an email.

So I guess this is some type of bug? It should be pointed out that Match. So perhaps this is a problem like that? I keep getting email messages of being winked by different people but when I go to look on the website that persons profile is no longer visible. If this happened once or twice I would think nothing of it, but it has happened several times now. My roommate looked on Match. Is there a way to set my profile so that only users can see me?

You can either hide it from everyone or have it visible. Wondering if it is possible to create a profile and keep it hidden to all, except those whom you contact. If this is not possible, might you know why? I am in the process of creating a profile on Match. I am constantly in and out of the website as I add and tweak my profile. I am have not subscribed yet and not sure I will at this point. Is my profile visible while I am in the process of building it?

Any direction would be greatly appreciated Thanks. Elle — I do believe your profile is visible as you create it. How can I get this to stop? So the question is, how do I get them to stop from sending these? You should be able to stop the emails here. I believe the default sort when you do a search is based on who Match. But you can change the sort in the upper right. If you were asking something different, let me know. What if someone has the green highlighted profile and then they do not renew… will their profile remain green highlighted or will it remove the green?

I have a question. When match. Hi Brad I was seeing someone I met on Match but broke it off. Hi Brad, I have a new question. Does Match change your age automatically if a birthday has passed? How is that possible? Hi Brad, I think this has already been addressed but just wanted to ask a question for my specific situation. So with that info. Or has he completely deleted his profile? Or unsubscribed? Hey Emily — sounds like a hidden profile to me.

Hi Brad, thank you so much for your reply. I have another silly question— so apparently match. Does the resignation from membership delete the entire profile? Thank you so much again! Resign from membership should remove the profile, although again I think the language is a bit different when I used the site. If someone hid his profile and you had a link to that profile email, favorites, etc I think you should still be able to view it. Okay so if you check match emails on your phone and you are not on wifi it will not record your activity as online now or give read receipts to the sender.

If you have your wifi on for your phone it will show you online now and give read receipts. If you turn off your wifi off on your phone it will immediately change on match to activie in 1 hour then a few minutes later go back to active within 3 days or whenever you were last on the actual site. The most accurate way to know if someone was online or checking emails on their phone is if they are saved under your favorites it displays more accurate times.

Still you will only know if they use wifi. For instance your favorites will show them active within 1 hour while the general search may say active within 3 days. I have tested it because it has been making me crazy. If someone is seriously exclusive they should remove photos and hide profile and not log on period.

Thank you so much again for all of your responses! Would it still go through if he has an active membership? Hey Steve — it would only show you once. I believe once you view a profile, you show up to them as someone who viewed their profile for 2 weeks.

My bet would be that when you viewed the profile a second time, it just reset the 2 week timer. I just joined and did an offsite search on myself when not online.

The site said I was online on their site when I never was — I was simply reading personal emails and a few from that site. Of course I had to get to the bottom of this pronto. I had opened an email from the match. So here is what I believe to be happening — the site must use an image tracker.

If you open the email and the image s load and some may be hidden it sends this info back to match. Yep — you are on your pc…but not there! Just SO wrong. If I am not on the site it should not say so. Their images will not load and they can not do this to you.

If you really want to see a link they sent you…. Just opening an email with instantly loading images will tell the sender you did…and what they do with that info is obviously up to them. This will protect you from being tracked and falsely portrayed as being online or active when you are not. You will notice when you choose this option how the links all have tracking devices attached to you and your personal email. I recently searched to see if my ex had a match. He did no biggie , but when I selected the link on google, it brought me right to his page and my Match.

If yes, then there is no point to hiding my profile if the damage is done. If there is no way to hide it, then my only option is to delete my acct, and start a new one…. Will that actually prevent him from seeing I viewed him? Or will blocking him maybe prevent him from seeing I ever viewed him though? Please respond at your convenience….

Thank you! What advice would you offer for those of us who are trying to maximize our opportunities for meeting the right one while not getting discouraged in the process? Hi Bekah — the best advice I can give or what helped me the most was to not treat a first date as anything more than a first date. Eventually, I changed my outlook and just treated first dates and a mini-adventure where I got to meet someone new.

Bad dates just became funny stories to tell my friends and when the date went well, that was a nice outcome too! I know, easier said than done, but it worked for me. Mostly because I think some people would find it embarrassing to have others be aware of how long they have been trying or to know how long their account was open for. What if you later unblock them but hide your profile and then view them again?

Would you show up as viewing them? If you send me an email with your profile name, we could experiment, though. I think you probably could. I know I could provide my personal email in my messages.

But if not, you could probably spell it out. When on Match. I know this means that is the last time that the person logged on, however what if it shows nothing at all? Does it means this person is not a subscriber? I just joined eHarmony. Maybe 2, but mostly all over the U. I just wanted to browse match. I have a profile set up, but no subscription. He has a subscription, but it says it has been 3 weeks since he has checked it. From the other questions above, that looks like, it could be anywhere from 3 weeks to a year.

I tagged him as favorite, but will he be able to respond to that if I am not a full member…. Can he see my email address if I have favorited him? And yes, people do have profiles without a subscripton. Hey Marlene — they do move these items around from time to time as the interface changed. Brad, when I view an old e mail from an ex that I met on Match, where the profile picture Used to appear now only says to check back later for a picture.

Other people who never had a Profile pic just show a blank outline of a person. Is there any way that I can tell if they Are still active? First off, thanks for being the resident expert here.

My question is this: — If you had messaged back and forth with someone a few weeks back and they showed up on your connections page previously but have now disappeared from your connections page, what does this mean? Does this imply that her account was canceled or is it something else blocked, profile hidden etc. Thanks again for your help. Do people drop off over time so only your most recent connections show?

That would be my first thought since you can still see them in other areas. She may have canceled her account as she could still look at your profile with a canceled account but she could also do that if her subscription was active too.

Thanks very much. Really appreciate it. That makes perfect sense now. Seems like she still has the account but canceled the subscription. It would seem weird that I would get blocked or profile hidden considering how well we were getting on but not seeing in the connections any more threw me for a loop since I had old, old connections still there. But I can tell you a few more details that might help you answer other people.

And they show up near the top too. Just wondering if people are still able to see the emails you have sent to them although my profile is no longer active? Actually two. How long does Match keep a profile logged in after they log off?

Is this correct? What is the truth? Are they online or not? When looking at the list of those who I have favorited, there are a few that say hidden profile, which I understand. So is this giving me an idea as to when those hidden profile folks have been active, based upon when the non hidden folks were active?

Some people will hide their profile but still be very active in viewing other profiles. For example, if I was searching for profiles in Taiwan, only the ones written in English will appear. I would like to reach ones written in Chinese too.

Could you help? I suspect it may be the same for these other countries you are interested in. I read some of these comments.

I have been showing on line or within one hour. A friend is using free site and entered my user name. I have not opened emails or the matches for the day email. This is causing a problem and I have notified match. I would like to get off of it and get a refund, this is absolutely wrong to show someone is online when they are sitting right there with you.

I was dating a girl on match months ago and had her saved to my favorites. When I click on it now, without logging in, it takes me to a log in page and it shows her profile pictures and how many pics she has and the basic info along the right side but it also has been changing on activity from recently 24 hours to 3 days. Her profile was hidden over 3 weeks ago. When I click on the link and log in from there it say profile unavailable because she is hidden.

I notice that some other profiles that I saved the same way are hidden and when I click on the link for them without logging in, they have over 3 weeks for activity. I would think that if someone cancelled their subscription the profile would continue to show hidden, but if they called in to delete their membership that everything would be removed including all pictures. Do you have any insight on this? Hmm…this sounds like it could be a problem with the match website to me.

I found out recently that my boyfriend of almost a year was getting Daily 24 matches from Match in his email … Anyway that can be a glitch or is it clear that he has re subscribed? His profile might be hidden, he just may not have unsubscribed from the emails. My girlfriend has a Connect account which means she can use unavailable mode.

So for example if she logs in once a day for three weeks in unavailable mode will it show her last logged in as three weeks ago or within last 24 hours? If the green box is still around a profile does that mean the profile is still active meaning the subscriber is still paying? I see someone who has not had activity in over 3 weeks, but the green outline box is still showing — wondering what this means.

Will this also apply to a profile of someone who has favorited and had email conversations with me? On match. Hope this makes sense. I think it could mean a few things: they may have disabled IM, they may have changed devices maybe IM not enabled on their computer? Select the conversation to delete, then tap on the bin icon at top right to delete it.

If you block someone on Match, your emails disappear, you no longer show up in their search results and they are no longer able to see when you are online. Find Connections on the upper toolbar in on your Match. Skip to content Popular.

Can someone tell if you look at their match profile? Can you tell how long someone has been on match? What does a red dot mean on match? What does the purple star on match mean? Is the green dot on match accurate?

How can you tell if someone is active on match? Can you hide the green dot on match? What does the empty green circle on match mean? Can you unlike someone on match? Why do messages disappear on match? Can you tell if someone deleted your message on match? As far as Match goes, this will certainly make your personal information hard to find and will afford you some internet privacy when it comes to your online relationships.

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Who knows? Maybe your date is so impressed that you take down that dating profile forever OK, I realize that not everyone here is from the Philadelphia, PA area, however you can still find inspiration for a great date from the article below Let's say you've found the love of your life, or at least the potential love, you've cancelled your match profile and removed it from view and now you really want something cool to do that doesn't cost a lot or take a lot of time in one place I really worked hard on this one and hope you love it or at least like it There are still now clear instructions on how to hide your profile?

This should be a fundamental right after paying a subscription. I have met someone and don't know yet how it will work out. I want to hide my profile for now until I am sure either way. How come after I've chose hidden, it keeps going back to visible? I don't get why. I tried to look at someones profile, then check, and it was still hidden initially. What I am doing that could cause it to keep going visible?

Now,i m gonna use this. Thanks a lot. Thanks for stopping by bachsmom! Yep, the directions in the post above still work.


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