What is more than love
In an intimate relationship, each individual honors himself or herself and is willing to do what is right for them. You honor the other person and treat them with regard.
You are willing to allow your partner to do what is right for them without judgment and without requiring them to be anything other than who they are. This means that you also trust the other person to be exactly who they are, and not what you wish or want them to be. Along with trust and honoring of yourself and your partner, you want to be in allowance of the other person and not judge their choices, thoughts or beliefs as right or wrong. Allowance is where everything is just an interesting point of view.
In allowance you do not try to stop your partner from being different than you are. And you do not stop you from being different to them. You have a life and you let your partner have a life. Vulnerability is also present in intimate relationships. A lot of people misidentify what being vulnerable really is. Vulnerability is when you are totally present with you and whoever is in front of you, with no barriers.
If you see yourself with this person forever, then why not make it official? If you are in a long-distance relationship, telling them how much you miss them is as important as telling them that you love them. Whenever you are apart and think of them, let them know that you are missing them and cannot wait to be reunited again.
When you fall deeply in love with someone, your thoughts will be full of this person and at times it may be hard to get them out of your head. Let them know how much you think about them by telling them that they are always on your mind. Telling someone that you are smitten with them is a way to express your deep feelings of love for them. Let them know how head over heels in love you are for them by telling them so.
This is a perfect alternative to saying I love you to that special person. When you fall in love with the right person, you may never be able to imagine being without them ever again. This does not mean that you are completely dependent on this person but you cannot imagine them not being there to treasure special moments together.
Falling in love with the right person can mean that they become your world. You form a bubble together and you cannot imagine not having them by your side.
If your partner is also your best friend, telling them so is a pure expression of the love and affection that you feel for them. First, make sure to tell them that you do love them, otherwise, they may get the wrong idea! If this person truly does mean everything to you and you cannot imagine not having them by your side, tell them so. Telling your partner how much you love and adore them is so important in a healthy relationship.
However, sometimes it takes alternative words to say it better. When you fall in love with the right person, they are yours and you are theirs. Telling them that they are the only one for you is so important and is a true expression of deep and committed love. If you have recently realized that you have fallen in love with this person but you desire to express it differently, telling them that you have fallen head over heels for them will tell them just how hard you have fallen in love with them.
Telling your loved ones that you are addicted to them will make them see just how much you adore and love them. I'll lift you back up when you fall. I'll protect your heart from pain. I'll protect the idea of us.
I won't demean you. I'll treasure you and shield you from evil, bad and ugly. I won't let others put you down. You will be safe in my arms, safe in my hands and safe in my heart. I'll be your safe haven, your safety net, and someone you can always trust.
I will be here for you again and again. I'll make this work a priority in my life. I'll look back on our beginning, I'll work on our now and I'll look forward to our future because we are something that I want to last forever.
Some may argue that if you love someone, all these things will be part of that love. That someone who loves you automatically sacrifices for you, respects you, forgives you, supports you, protects you and is committed to you.
In an ideal, perfect world, I truly believe that all these attributes come together as one and are expressed through pure and unconditional charity.
It is a trait we should all strive to develop. But from my experience, we are human, and we fall short of this perfection -- even towards those we love. If true love was all that we needed, love wouldn't be so hard and relationships wouldn't fall apart so easy. The truth is there are lot of people you can love, but very few relationships that you can make last forever.
That's why a person is capable of loving someone more than life, but knowing deep inside that it would never work. That is why people are capable of walking away from those they love. Telling someone you cherish them is a lovely way of letting them know how important they are to you.
It makes them feel seen and heard, and will give them the confidence to continue being honest with you. This helps build stronger, deeper connections as there is space to make mistakes and grow, knowing that you are respecting each other.
It also shows a level of trust — you respect their decisions and you trust that they are making good ones! This is one for the romantic partners! Telling your partner that you feel lustful toward them will make them feel really wanted and sexy. It can help forge strong connections between the two of you, and goes beyond just physical desire.
Try telling your partner why you lust after them — is it their outfit, their laugh, the twinkle in their eyes? Adoring someone is similar to being infatuated, but goes deeper than that.