What is the difference between a pinched nerve and a muscle spasm
A pinched nerve results when too much pressure is placed on the nerve by surrounding tissues. This restricts the nerve and limits its function. When a nerve is pinched, the nutrient flow to the nerve is constrained, which causes the nerve membrane to lose its ability to transmit sensation to the brain effectively.
Pinched nerves can develop in the carpal tunnel due to swollen wrist tendons, in the back when a nerve in the lower spine is compressed, in the neck resulting in shoulder and radiating arm pain, due to trauma to the nerve or a muscle spasm or strain that applies pressure to the nerve, and due to compression of the nerve root when the nerve exits the spine. A pinched nerve and a pulled muscle have distinct symptoms. Symptoms of a pinched nerve include sharp, burning pain; numbness and sudden bouts of weakness; tingling sensation; no swelling; pain that radiates to other areas of the body; and chronic pain that lasts for an extended period of time.
A pinched nerve is most often located in the arms, hands, legs, back, neck, and feet. Symptoms of a pulled muscle include swelling in the pulled area; dull aching, tightness, and soreness; stiffness and weakness in muscle after injury; tender, throbbing sensation; localized pain in muscle; and pain when moving or using muscle. Meet Our Providers. Our bodies are meant to feel some form of pain at one time or another.
Pain can come from a sprained ankle after a run, a burned finger from the stove top or the nagging pain of a headache after a long day of work. Pain is pain and it is not fun. But, what about nerve pain versus muscle pain? Seek emergency medical attention if you develop symptoms of meningitis , including a stiff neck and high fever over Other potential symptoms of meningitis include:. Your doctor can help diagnose the cause of your symptoms and recommend an appropriate treatment plan.
For many people, a slightly pinched nerve causes no discomfort. For others, symptoms can include pain, numbness, and general weakness in the shoulder…. Muscle relaxers are drugs that can help relieve muscle cramps and spasticity. Learn about the different options. If you experience muscle spasms as a symptom of fibromyalgia, natural muscle relaxers such as magnesium and cayenne pepper could provide relief.
Here is how to help fix the…. A herniated disc can cause pain and discomfort that disrupts your life. These exercises and stretches will help you find relief and ease the pain. Whiplash occurs when a person's head moves backward and then forward very suddenly with great force. This injury is most common following a car…. Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect.
What are neck spasms? Neck spasm causes. Neck spasm symptoms. Neck spasm exercises. Home remedies. Neck spasms at night. Neck spasms in children. Neck spasms and anxiety. When to call your doctor. Read this next. Medically reviewed by Deborah Weatherspoon, Ph. Medically reviewed by Zara Risoldi Cochrane, Pharm. The 7 Best Natural Muscle Relaxers. Medically reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.