What makes tartuffe funny

Following is the eighth line of Tartuffe in the original French, demonstrating the Alexandrine scheme with the caesura after the comma. The accented syllables are in boldfaced blue. A couplet is a pair of lines in which the final syllable of each line rhymes.

Following are lines in the original French, demonstrating this rhyming pattern. Madame Pernelle is the speaker. The rhyming syllables are in boldfaced blue:. Over the centuries, writers have centered many tragic and comedic works—or parts of them—on spouses and wooers in conflict. Among these works is Tartuffe. Study Questions and Essay Topics. Plot Summary By Michael J. The text is in the public domain. Popular Pages. Privacy Policy. Cummings Guides Home..

It becomes very easy to ignore the spoken language when it is merely background noise. Hence, the French vocals are, for most English spectators, largely pointless: it may as well have been entirely performed in English. Moreover, the audience members reliant on the subtitles had to divide their attention between watching the on-stage action and reading the translation. The format of the play meant that it was difficult for the audience to concentrate on what was being said, as well as what was being acted, and as a result they appreciated and understood the play much less than they would have if it were simply performed in English.

Another popular English translation of the play renders Tartuffe The Imposter …. A wealthy and pious father, Orgon, and his mother are enthralled by Tartuffe, a former vagrant who claims to be able to speak directly with God. The rest of their family remain unconvinced, although when the play opens Orgon and his mother are consulting with the purported prophet before making any decisions.

Then, Elmire urges her husband to watch as his trusted advisor tries to seduce her, thereby exposing him as a lascivious fraud.

The play worked well on the stage, and it remains amusing today. In a play which satirises religious hypocrisy to the highest degree, the reason for the change of scenery is obvious. Orgon believes himself to be a profoundly dedicated Christian.

Tartuffe is, at its heart, a classic French comedy, but it is also deeply satirical. It exposes the hypocrisy of zealous religious dedication: the title of the play often becomes The Hypocrite in English. Less obvious was the benefit of the additional scene Garutti tacked on to the end of the performance.

In this section, Garutti made explicit reference to Donald Trump and the current political climate in North America. This was an unwise move that only served to subtract from the subtlety and universality of the text. What happens to Tartuffe in the end? Who wears a mask in Tartuffe? Whose idea is it to have Orgon hide under the table?

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