What should we reply for sorry

Learn more. What would be the natural answer on "I am sorry"? Ask Question. Asked 3 years, 11 months ago. Active 11 months ago. Viewed 44k times.

Improve this question. Virtuous Legend. Virtuous Legend Virtuous Legend Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. For something formal or written, you can say I accept your apology. There are other more colorful expressions, such as: Don't worry about it. Forget about it! Don't even stress!

Don't even trip! If you don't forgive someone, you can usually add "not" or "don't" to the phrases above: I don't forgive you. It's not OK. That's not good enough! I need time to think about it, and I need to see a change in your actions before I can move forward with you. Our apology language is usually instilled in us during our upbringing, she says, and can also shift depending on who the offender is, and the offense itself.

After trying various ways to reassure her that it was water under the bridge, I changed course and agreed with her. Already a subscriber? Log in or link your magazine subscription. Account Profile. It lets them know you are over the problem, and that they can stop beating themselves up now.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on unsplash. It means a lot to me. It also helps to make the other person stop feeling bad about what was said.

Photo by Melissa Walker Horn on unsplash. It also subtly warns them not to do it again. But I forgive you. It also shows that you are no longer upset about the wrongdoing. In the mafia or any gang, when one person wrongs another, a hit is put on them.

You are just trying to be funny. Photo by Andre Hunter on unsplash. Be better. This shows that you are fed up, and you are no longer interested in sorry, but instead want to see the person change for the better. This response is perfect for that. It can also make you feel like the bigger person. Happens to the best of us.


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