What will year 3000 be like
Variations in skin colouring were expected to be smoothed out, with most humans moving towards a brown tone. As we become more interconnected throughout the world, racial difference is likely to be diluted. By about the year 12,, he said, communication skills and emotional capabilities such as love, sympathy, trust and respect would have diminished, eroding the abilities of humans to care for others or perform in teams.
The increased eating of processed foods would mean humans did less chewing, leading to less developed jaws and shorter chins. Immune systems would deteriorate due to hygiene obsession and a heavy reliance on medicines. Infants would be larger at birth, forcing mothers to have caesarean sections. If you find yourself rushing from one meeting to the next, writing email after email and envying your colleague who Imagine if people lived to by the year 3, Such dramatic changes were made possible by breakthroughs in medical science and technology.
How old might we live till? What if people lived to by the year 3,? The key question is: are we ready for this? Work will have to change Life as we know it is already changing. Ageing well with help It is a long way to year , but the possibilities seem endless. Looking for insurance solutions? Related articles Published 3 Jun Celebrate Hari Raya and stay healthy Yes, you can enjoy Hari Raya festivities and feasts without expanding your waistline. Read more Published 28 May Are you ready for ?
Read more Published 12 Jul 3 sports that burn a lot of calories From team sports to long-forgotten playground games, here are three activities that will give your calories a run The model showed these waters would warm very little by — but by they'd likely increase by 5.
But this isn't the only factor that could contribute to southern warming. A deep current from the warmer North Atlantic is moving and would continue to do so , slowly toward the Antarctic, carrying warmer water with it. In addition, intensified winds could help mix warm waters into the southern oceans, and finally, the loss of Antarctic sea ice would allow more heat to enter the ocean, Marshall told LiveScience in an e-mail.
While the scenario calls for a sea level rise of 9. It's even possible the warming waters could reach the Antarctic ice, the researchers speculate. If so, the result could be the collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet , which holds , cubic miles 2.
This would mean at least another 9. And as computers grow progressively more human, so too will humans become more integrated with robots. In the future, scientists predict that we'll have minuscule robots called nanobots swimming around our bodies and enhancing our natural abilities. Known as transhumanism, this could see us no longer limited to what biology can be achieved, and the possibilities of that are pretty incredible to think about.