Which is better lapras or dewgong
A pokemon with Ice beam or Blizzard could quickly turn the battle in your favor. Yes Lapras is a much better choice when compared to Dewgong. Jolteon is always a good choice for an electric type. It is fast and has a high special attack. Hands down Cloyster!! Much much higher damage means much faster clearance of gym..
Recommended Pokemon. High HP and defense stats. Ice Beam is double super effective against Dragonite. Great HP stat. Resistant to Dragon-type attacks. She now has a stronger ice attack than anyone else. Obviously lapras in the long run, but in the short run, a 1. However, the biggest gripe with Dewgong is its poor moveset possibilities when you evolve Seel. You can't wreck dragonites with icy wind or aqua jet I'm afraid.
Community Discord Support Us. Sign In Register. Dewgong vs. Thus it feels like outperforming my Lapras. User Info: nightwing Lapras's only weakness in moveset is really only nerfed by magneton. Lack of stab hydro pump doesn't help, but it has dragon pulse That helps it against rock types that hit it for se and fire types that hit it for neutral Dewgong has better stats than cloyster, but horrible charge moves outside blizzard User Info: Matness.
My gf just completed her pokedex, the last thing she got was a dewgong I have about 4 more pokemon to get and dewgong is one of them.. Is it normal for seel to be so rare?! Also have cloyster but no lapras :. Very rare?
Extremely rare? I have caught a few and hatched one Seel although I still need to capture 2 more to get a Dewgong or walk it. User Info: Earthbound Cloyster is pretty amazing on attack if you ask me. He actually outdamages Lapras and Dewgong. Of course, this comes at the cost of durability. ID for basically everything: Mikman Seel is the only one I'm missing besides Porygon.
Never seen either locally. Caught my only Seel when out of town. User Info: TitanOxide. Only Seel I have is hatched, never been on sights. Same with Shellder and Lapras. Why you care about small things?