Why aeroplane does not fall
Most of these theoretical accounts came from Europe. In the early years of the 20th century, several British scientists advanced technical, mathematical accounts of lift that treated air as a perfect fluid, meaning that it was incompressible and had zero viscosity. These were unrealistic assumptions but perhaps understandable ones for scientists faced with the new phenomenon of controlled, powered mechanical flight. These assumptions also made the underlying mathematics simpler and more straightforward than they otherwise would have been, but that simplicity came at a price: however successful the accounts of airfoils moving in ideal gases might be mathematically, they remained defective empirically.
In Germany, one of the scientists who applied themselves to the problem of lift was none other than Albert Einstein. Einstein then proceeded to give an explanation that assumed an incompressible, frictionless fluid—that is, an ideal fluid. To take advantage of these pressure differences, Einstein proposed an airfoil with a bulge on top such that the shape would increase airflow velocity above the bulge and thus decrease pressure there as well.
Einstein probably thought that his ideal-fluid analysis would apply equally well to real-world fluid flows. He brought the design to aircraft manufacturer LVG Luftverkehrsgesellschaft in Berlin, which built a new flying machine around it. Contemporary scientific approaches to aircraft design are the province of computational fluid dynamics CFD simulations and the so-called Navier-Stokes equations, which take full account of the actual viscosity of real air.
Still, they do not by themselves give a physical, qualitative explanation of lift. In recent years, however, leading aerodynamicist Doug McLean has attempted to go beyond sheer mathematical formalism and come to grips with the physical cause-and-effect relations that account for lift in all of its real-life manifestations. McLean, who spent most of his professional career as an engineer at Boeing Commercial Airplanes, where he specialized in CFD code development, published his new ideas in the text Understanding Aerodynamics: Arguing from the Real Physics.
Considering that the book runs to more than pages of fairly dense technical analysis, it is surprising to see that it includes a section 7. I was never entirely happy with it. Where these clouds touch the airfoil they constitute the pressure difference that exerts lift on the airfoil. The wing pushes the air down, resulting in a downward turn of the airflow. In addition, there is an area of high pressure below the wing and a region of low pressure above.
It is as if those four components collectively bring themselves into existence, and sustain themselves, by simultaneous acts of mutual creation and causation. There seems to be a hint of magic in this synergy. And what causes this mutual, reciprocal, dynamic interaction? McLean says no: If the wing were at rest, no part of this cluster of mutually reinforcing activity would exist. But the fact that the wing is moving through the air, with each parcel affecting all of the others, brings these co-dependent elements into existence and sustains them throughout the flight.
Soon after the publication of Understanding Aerodynamics , McLean realized that he had not fully accounted for all the elements of aerodynamic lift, because he did not explain convincingly what causes the pressures on the wing to change from ambient.
In particular, his new argument introduces a mutual interaction at the flow field level so that the nonuniform pressure field is a result of an applied force, the downward force exerted on the air by the airfoil. There are reasons that it is difficult to produce a clear, simple and satisfactory account of aerodynamic lift. Some of the disputes regarding lift involve not the facts themselves but rather how those facts are to be interpreted, which may involve issues that are impossible to decide by experiment.
Nevertheless, there are at this point only a few outstanding matters that require explanation. Lift, as you will recall, is the result of the pressure differences between the top and bottom parts of an airfoil. We already have an acceptable explanation for what happens at the bottom part of an airfoil: the oncoming air pushes on the wing both vertically producing lift and horizontally producing drag.
The upward push exists in the form of higher pressure below the wing, and this higher pressure is a result of simple Newtonian action and reaction. Things are quite different at the top of the wing, however.
A region of lower pressure exists there that is also part of the aerodynamic lifting force. We know from streamlines that the air above the wing adheres closely to the downward curvature of the airfoil. This is the physical mechanism which forces the parcels to move along the airfoil shape. A slight partial vacuum remains to maintain the parcels in a curved path. This drawing away or pulling down of those air parcels from their neighboring parcels above is what creates the area of lower pressure atop the wing.
But another effect also accompanies this action: the higher airflow speed atop the wing. To understand how a plane works, you must first understand the four forces acting upon it at all times:. For a plane to take off, enough thrust must be generated to get the plane moving in a forward direction, and enough lift must be created to get the plane off the ground. The harder part is conceptualizing how a plane that weighs tens of thousands of pounds can seem to defy gravity.
Planes do not actually defy gravity, though. The air molecules are split in two directions as they bombard the front of the wing, with many of them pushed underneath the wing. As you increase the angle of attack, more lift will be created.
If the angle of attack is too large, too much drift will be created, causing the airplane to stall and potentially spiral if the angle is not corrected. The second factor is the difference in air pressure between the air just above the wing and the air just below the wing. As the plane rushes forward through the air, the air is split into two streams.
The air above the wing is of a lower pressure, whereas the air below the wing is of a higher pressure. The difference in these pressures creates lift. Takeoff is also a delicate mechanical maneuver for a pilot, as they must understand how to manipulate the speed and shape of the plane to create lift. First, the pilot must start the engine of the plane and travel hundreds of miles per hour down the runway, with the appropriate speed determined by factors like plane weight, air temperature, etc.
Now, the angle of attack is increased, allowing the plane to lift for takeoff. Lift upward force and thrust forward push, provided by a propeller get a plane into the air. Gravity and drag air resistance, which is friction caused by air rubbing against the plane try to pull the plane down and slow its speed. A plane must be built so that lift and thrust are stronger than the pull of gravity and drag by just the right amount.
Lift from the wings is used to overcome the force of gravity. Shape is important in overcoming drag. For example, the nose of a plane is rounded so it can push through the air more easily. The front edge of each wing is rounded too.