Why dividing fractions requires inverting the divisor
Thus, we invert the divisor, because by doing so, we get the reciprocal of the divisor, which tells us how many of that divisor are in 1. All rights reserved. Why multiply the reciprocal of the divisor times the dividend?
Explanation: Once we know how many of our divisor are in 1, then we can figure out how many of that divisor are in the dividend. This works for non - whole number dividends as well. To see why the IM rule works for sharing, lets first solve a sharing division problem. All right reserved. Homepage Free math problems solver! Free math problems solver! Member Login.
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Deep knowledge of dividing fractions! Still struggling with fractions? Get rid of your fears and frustrations once and for all! If you don't know fractions very well, you will probably struggle to do well on most math test.
Build a strong foundation in math today before it is too late! Buy my ebook. It offers a thorough coverage of fractions! Multiplying fractions Fractions. I also have students draw illustrations of these problems using number lines and area models rectangular units are easiest :. They can then generalize to division problems in which the dividend is also a fraction.
Do my students like this method? A few do, but most find it rather painful to have to think things through, when most of their school experience has taught them that finding the correct answer quickly — if magically — is what is rewarded.
Skip to content The following sequence of tasks shows how we can teach a procedure for dividing fractions, conceptually. Task 2 — Find fractions equivalent to Here they will apply the same idea used in task 1: If you multiply, the same number except 0 to numerator and denominator, you produce equivalent fractions. Task 3 — Find the fraction in simplest form equivalent to From here you can ask the students to express the fraction as a division this is one of the meaning of fraction — an indicated division and rework their solution.
It should be something like this: You can challenge your students to find the shortest possible solution of getting the correct answer. Note: The above lesson is not just about division of fractions. Author: View All Posts. Now, multiplying fractions and dividing fractions work the same way.
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