Why is glycogen branched
B Summary of Cascade Regulation replacing Figs. Highly branched, permits rapid degradation through simultaneous release of glucose units from the end of each branch. Liver and muscle are two major storage sites. Catalyzes the rate-limiting step in glycogen breakdown. All the authors approved the final draft of the manuscript submitted for review and publication. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
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In contrast, our study shows that the well-known E. This obeservation, combined with the low conservation of residues mutated in human diseases in E. On the other hand, the Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron branching enzyme is an attractive target for modeling human glycogen storage diseases in Bacteria.
Finally, these results show that not only regulatory proteins, such as those involved in apoptosis regulation [ 63 ], but also basic metabolic enzymes may have a complex evolutionary history, rich in ancient and recent gene duplications, combined with lineage specific gene losses and dynamic domain architectures, with frequent and surreptitious addition and loss of individual domains. Such a history can only be revealed by explicit phylogenetic and comparative domain architecture analysis.
Protein predictions for organisms with a completely sequenced genome were obtained from the sources listed in Additional file 1 , covering the following species: 93 animals, 2 choanoflagellates, Capsaspora owczarzaki , Sphaeroforma arctica , 78 fungi, Fonticula alba , 7 amoebozoans, 30 land plants, 10 green algae, Cyanidioschyzon merolae , Cyanophora paradoxa draft , Emiliania huxleyi , Guillardia theta , 12 Alveolata, 16 Stramenopiles, Bigelowiella natans , Reticulomyxa filose , Thecamonas trahens , 8 Excavata, 49 Archaea, and Bacteria.
We experimented with different per-domain E-value thresholds to ensure that the results presented here are robust and not simply artifacts of an arbitrarily chosen threshold. For the phylogenetic analyses we generally used a per-domain E-value threshold of 10 -3 unless noted otherwise. Distance-based minimal evolution trees were inferred by FastME 2. For maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches we employed PhyML 2. For the calculations of typed support values from different sources, confadd 1.
Tree and domain composition diagrams were drawn using Archaeopteryx [ 56 ]. All conclusions presented in this work are robust relative to the alignment methods, the alignment processing, the phylogeny reconstruction methods, and the parameters used. All sequence, alignment, and phylogeny files are available upon request.
The data sets supporting the results of this article are available in the Dryad repository, doi CZ participated in the conception and design of the study, performed the data collection, sequence analyses, phylogenetic calculations, and contributed to the interpretation of the results. AG participated in the conception and design of the study, performed the structural analyses, and contributed to the interpretation of the results.
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Mol Genet Metab. Characterization of a gene for starch-branching enzyme IIa from the wheat genome donor Aegilops tauschii. Correct answer: Galactose-beta-1,4-glucose. Explanation : lactose is made up of galactose and glucose and is bound via a beta 1,4 glycosidic bond. Copyright Notice. View Biochemistry Tutors.
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