Why missed period if not pregnant

In this condition, girls tend to be short, have particular features and have ovaries which do not work properly. They often do not start periods when other girls of their age do. See the separate leaflet called Turner Syndrome for more details. Other genetic conditions may cause differences in genitals and female organs. For example, in a condition called androgen resistance syndrome, the child has female genitals outside but no female organs on the inside.

With no ovaries or womb uterus , these children will not have periods. Occasionally babies do not develop normally in the womb before birth and may be born with problems which will prevent periods. For example, rarely a girl may be born without a vagina, or with a blockage in the vagina.

Sometimes the first time this is apparent is when she does not start to have periods as expected. The average time for women's periods to stop in the UK is at the age of However, there is quite a wide range. If periods stop before the age of 40, this is very early and is said to be premature menopause. If periods stop between 40 and 45 years of age, it is called early menopause.

At the menopause, periods stop and there are usually other symptoms of menopause such as hot flushes. As discussed above, a number of contraceptive treatments can stop you having periods. Other medicines can affect periods too. Examples are some medicines for schizophrenia antipsychotic medicines , an anti-sickness medicine called metoclopramide and strong painkillers called opiates.

A number of operations may result in absent periods. For example, after a hysterectomy you will not have periods. A hysterectomy is an operation where the womb is removed. As the blood during a period comes from the womb, you will never have periods again afterwards.

Another operation called endometrial ablation , which is sometimes done for heavy periods, also causes periods to stop. In this operation the lining of the womb is removed.

This is not usually permanent and periods start again in time. Treatments for cancer, such as radiotherapy or chemotherapy , can also damage the ovaries and result in absent periods. Recreational drugs such as heroin may also cause periods to stop. When you have been on the combined oral contraceptive COC pill or an injection form of contraception, it can take a while for your periods to restart once you stop the contraception.

It can take a few months for your body's own cycle to restart and it can take several months before you have a period. Girls start their periods at a very variable age. So it may be that your friends have been having periods for a while but you have not. Usually this will be normal variation and nothing to worry about. Ask your doctor's advice if:. Find a range of women's health pharmacy services, delivered by local providers at a time that suits you.

Don't panic! In most cases there is nothing serious going on. The most important thing to do is to do a pregnancy test if there is any chance at all you could be pregnant. If you otherwise feel well in yourself, and you are not pregnant, then the chances are your periods will start up again in due course.

If you go to see a doctor about your periods stopping, first of all the doctor will ask you some questions. For example, the doctor will want to know:. You should always talk to your doctor if your period is irregular so that they can rule out…. While occasional changes in the menstrual cycle are not unusual, frequently experiencing two periods in a month may indicate an underlying medical….

A person can miss a period while taking birth control pills for many reasons. The pills contain several hormones that affect the menstrual cycle, and…. For many, it can be hard to distinguish between spotting and periods. Spotting is quite common and is usually no cause for concern. It may just…. Can you miss a period and not be pregnant?

What does it mean? Causes Pregnancy test accuracy When to see a doctor Many people who miss a period will take a test to check for pregnancy. Can you miss a period without being pregnant? Share on Pinterest A rapid change in weight can cause a lack of estrogen.

How accurate are pregnancy tests? Share on Pinterest Taking a test too soon can give a false negative result. Other types of contraceptives that are implanted or injected can cause missed periods as well. Chronic diseases such as diabetes and celiac disease also can affect your menstrual cycle.

Celiac disease causes inflammation that can lead to damage in your small intestine , which may prevent your body from absorbing key nutrients. This can cause late or missed periods. Most women begin menopause between ages 45 to Women who develop symptoms around age 40 or earlier are considered to have early peri-menopause.

This means your egg supply is winding down, and the result will be missed periods and eventually the end of menstruation. An overactive or underactive thyroid gland could also be the cause of late or missed periods. Thyroid issues can usually be treated with medication. After treatment, your period will likely return to normal. Your doctor can properly diagnose the reason for your late or missed period and discuss your treatment options.

Keep a record of changes in your cycle as well as other health changes to show your doctor. This will help them make a diagnosis. Read this article in Spanish. There are many situations when you may want to plan for your cycle. Here are 12 natural ways to induce a period in those cases.

Do a home pregnancy test if you have had sex since your last period. If the result is positive, practice the following good health habits until you see your doctor:. If the home pregnancy test is negative but you continue to have pregnancy symptoms, it is a good idea to see your doctor to confirm the results. Practice good health habits until you see your doctor.

Call your doctor if any of the following occur during home treatment:. If you participate in endurance sports , you may miss periods or stop menstruating. Eat a healthy, balanced diet, and keep track of your periods.

Tell your doctor about any changes in your menstrual periods. To prepare for your appointment, see the topic Making the Most of Your Appointment. You can help your doctor diagnose and treat your condition by being prepared to answer the following questions:. Blahd Jr. Author: Healthwise Staff. Medical Review: William H.

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Updated visitor guidelines. You are here Home » Missed or Irregular Periods. Topic Overview Most women have between 11 and 13 menstrual periods each year. If you are not pregnant, other causes of missed or irregular periods include: Excessive weight loss or gain. Although low body weight is a common cause of missed or irregular periods, obesity also can cause menstrual problems.

Eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia. For more information, see the topic Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimia Nervosa. Increased exercise. Missed periods are common in endurance athletes. Emotional stress. Medicines such as birth control methods, which may cause lighter, less frequent, more frequent, or skipped periods or no periods at all.

Hormone problems. This may cause a change in the levels of the hormones that the body needs to support menstruation. Illegal drug use. Problems with the pelvic organs , such as imperforate hymen , polycystic ovary syndrome , or Asherman's syndrome. Many women do not resume regular periods until they have completed breastfeeding. Check Your Symptoms Have you missed any periods, or have your periods been irregular?

Irregular means different than what is normal for you more or less often, longer or shorter, heavier or lighter. How old are you? Less than 15 years. Are you male or female? Why do we ask this question? The medical assessment of symptoms is based on the body parts you have. If you are transgender or nonbinary, choose the sex that matches the body parts such as ovaries, testes, prostate, breasts, penis, or vagina you now have in the area where you are having symptoms.

If you have some organs of both sexes, you may need to go through this triage tool twice once as "male" and once as "female". This will make sure that the tool asks the right questions for you.

Are you pregnant? Yes, you know that you're pregnant. No, you're not pregnant, or you're not sure if you're pregnant. Do you have symptoms of shock? Do you feel lightheaded or dizzy, like you are going to faint?


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