How can i use absorption in a sentence

The absorption of the French by Moscow, radiating starwise as it did, only reached the. It is also said that bupleurum improves the digestive absorption of vital vitamins and. At that time, the reason for the reversal or absorption of atherosclerosis was ascribed. Water absorption is absolutely necessary to our health, especially at the cellular level. Bran, a rich source of insoluble fibre, reduces the absorption of calcium, which in turn.

Since it helps to improve the digestive absorption of vitamins and mineral, it also helps. It also helps to improve the function of digestive system, thereby helping the absorption. For example, zinc and copper taken at the same time interfere with each others absorption. It also to increase the function of digestive system in absorption of vital vitamins and.

Absorption cement a marriage of two in one focused on love and in heaven God in all. However, studies have shown that perlite did not increase the fluoride absorption of plants. Essential oil--rose otto is said helping to improve the digestive function in absorption of. This means that it can aid for the better absorption of glucose by the cells, which need it. Fats or lipids act as vehicles for the absorption of the natural fat-soluble vitamins such as. As a fat-soluble vitamin, Vitamin K requires bile acid and pancreatic juice for its absorption.

But, I say, that's all nonsense, he cried, as though suddenly coming out of his absorption. They believe it is responsible for the blocking the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine. This results in villi loss, and in turn, in lower absorption of nutrients by the intestinal walls. This causes major changes in the PH levels of the soil effect-ing nutritional absorption by the plants.

Concrete with wood aggregates blemishes are high water absorption and comparatively low water resistance. The idea of personal victory is lost in the total absorption of sense and mind in the impending consequences. Shoes with support and shock absorption will help reduce pounding on the rest of your body as you walk or run.

The tanks, pumps, heaters, air lines, CO2 absorption system, even the insulation on the inner side of the hull. Festing, who examined the infra-red absorption of a number of substances. Certain radicals have a distinctive absorption about together with others about , and if the first be visible it almost follows that the distinctive mark of the radical with which it is connected will be found.

Thus in the ethyl series we find an absorption at , and a characteristic band, one edge of which is at and the other at If we find a body containing the absorption and a band with the most refrangible edge commencing at , or with the least refrangible edge terminating at , we may be pretty sure that we have an ethyl radical present.

The absorption spectra of cobalt and didymium salts also offer many. Physostigmine, indeed, stimulates nearly all the non-striped muscles in the body, and this action upon the muscular coats of the arteries, and especially of the arterioles, causes a great rise in blood-pressure shortly after its absorption , which is very rapid. The addition of the -ati- suffix to the -no- ethnicon, as in Iguvinates, is comparatively rare, and no doubt denotes the opposite process, namely, the absorption of a -no- tribe by a population to whom it was natural to use the suffix -ti-.

The result is to prevent the local corrosive action of the poison and to prevent absorption of the metals. He finds that throughout the universe there is an unceasing redistribution of matter and motion, and that this redistribution constitutes evolution when there is a predominant integration of matter and dissipation of motion, and constitutes dissolution where there is a predominant absorption of motion and disintegration of matter. The salts have a faint pink colour, and show a faint absorption spectrum; the spark spectrum is brilliant and well characterized.

But at the head of this vast body there existed a constant tendency which was opposed to the absorption of all the power by a single and unbridled will. When the mixed gases were in the right proportion, the rate of absorption was about 3 o c. Spottiswoode, allows the absorption in the apparatus of fig. A still more potent absorption is afforded by calcium prepared in situ by heating a mixture of magnesium dust with thoroughly dehydrated quick-lime. He thus enunciated the law of the expansion of gases, stated some months later by Gay-Lussac.

In the two or three years following the reading of these essays, he published several papers on similar topics, that on the " Absorption of gases by water and other liquids" , containing his "Law of partial pressures. The first published indications of this idea are to be found at the end of his paper on the " Absorption of gases" already mentioned, which was read on the 21st of October though not published till The ground-water is, therefore, relatively very high and the capacity of the soil for further absorption proportionately low.

The first demands of Cromwell were impossible, for they aimed at the absorption of the two republics into a single state, but at last in the autumn of peace was concluded, by which the Dutch made large concessions and agreed to the striking of the flag to English ships in the narrow seas. Its first action on any of the body-tissues is upon unstriped muscle, so that the first consequence of its absorption is a contraction of the arteries and arterioles.

Certain absorption bands at the blue end of the spectrum are supposed to be due to rare elements such as samarium.

The flat surface is spread to allow the maximum amount of sunlight to fall upon it, as it is by the absorption of energy from the sun's rays by means of the chlorophyll contained in the cells of the leaf that the building up of plant food is rendered possible; this process is known as photo-synthesis; the first stage is the combination of carbon dioxide, absorbed from the air taken in through the stomata into the living cells of the leaf, with water which is brought into the leaf by the wood-vessels.

The test of true pleasure, according to Epicurus, is the removal and absorption of all that gives pain; it implies freedom from pain of body and from trouble of mind. But it is forgotten that both the plant and the soil enjoy special powers of selective absorption , which remove and fix the better constituents of the water and leave the less valuable.

Toronto, the provincial capital, has grown from S9, in to about ,, partly through the absorption of neighbouring towns and villages.

The absorption of South Germany in the German empire took away the chief cause for friction; and from that time warm friendship, based on the maintenance of the established order, has existed between the two empires. Lastly comes the late absorption of Sicily in the modern kingdom of Italy. It is especially those long ages, during which Egypt was an independent centre of culture and government, before its absorption in the Persian empire in the 6th century B.

These measures are, however, usually rendered nugatory by the very rapid absorption of the alkaloid. The developing embryo at the end of the suspensor grows out to a varying extent into the forming endosperm, from which by surface absorption it derives good material for growth; at the same time the suspensor plays a direct part as a carrier of nutrition, and may even develop, where perhaps no endosperm is formed, special absorptive "suspensor roots" which invest the developing embryo, or pass out into the body and coats of the ovule, or even into the placenta.

If in its extension to contain the new formations within it the embryo-sac remains narrow, endosperm formation proceeds upon the lines of a cell-division, but in wide embryo-sacs the endosperm is first of all formed as a layer of naked cells around the wall of the sac, and only gradually acquires a pluricellular character, forming a tissue filling the sac.

The function of the endosperm is primarily that of nourishing the embryo, and its basal position in the embryo-sac places it favourably for the absorption of food material entering the ovule. This filamentous structure has been attributed to the genus Chantransia, :which it greatly resembles, especially when, as is phaein andphycoerythrin considerabl modifies the p Y absorption spectra for the plants in which they occur.

By an ingenious method devised by Engelmann, it may be shown that the greatest liberation of oxygen, and consequently the greatest assimilation of carbon, occurs in that region of the spectrum represented by the absorption bands. He found that these places corresponded closely with the region of the absorption band for the algae under experiment. Immersed as they usually are in a medium containing in solution the inorganic substances which they require for their nutrition, the absorption of these takes place throughout their whole extent.

Subsequent hardening of the mortar is caused by the gradual absorption of carbonic acid from the air by the lime, a skin of carbonate of lime being formed; but the action is superficial. Composition meant for him intense absorption in his work; solitude and quiet were essential; and he resented interruptions by grotesque explosions of humorously exaggerated wrath. He is not the only man whom absorption in work and infirmity of temper have made into a provoking husband, though few wives have had Mrs Carlyle's capacity for expressing the sense of injustice.

It causes a local reaction with absorption of the scar tissue. Such were the consequences, in the sequel, of what seemed a disastrous event, the absorption , by a Celtic kingdom, of a large and fertile region of northern England. But this version of the idea of Antichrist, hostile to the Jews and better expressing the relation of Christianity to the Roman empire, was prevented from obtaining an absolute ascendancy in Christian tradition by the rise of the belief in the ultimate return of Nero, and by the absorption of this outcome of pagan superstition into the Jewish-Christian apocalyptic conceptions.

The clear atmosphere is in its upper strata free from clouds and dust, so that the sun's rays undergo scarcely any absorption and strike down with full force on the light-brown desert soil, from which they are radiated and reflected to a great extent. It consists essentially of cinnamic aldehyde, and by the absorption of oxygen as it becomes old it darkens in colour and develops resinous compounds.

While the cult of the other great gods and goddesses of Babylonia was transferred to Assyria, the worship of Assur so overshadowed that of the rest as to give the impression of a decided tendency towards the absorption of all divine powers by the one god. Two:new interests, however, strengthened the ties between Goethe and Weimar, - ties which the Italian journey had threatened to sever: his appointment in as director of the ducal theatre, a post which he occupied for twenty-two years, and his absorption in scientific studies.

The sharp contrasts between its compulsory religious observances and those of the rest of the world prevented such an absorption of the Jewish people into the Roman Empire as had caused the disappearance of the ten tribes of Israel by their merging with the Assyrians.

Originally the absorption of the Deacon chlorine took place in a set of chambers, constructed of large slabs of stone, containing a great many horizontal shelves superposed over one another. This ratio will become more equal for larger sizes on account of the additional thickness of larger object-glasses and the consequent additional absorption of light in transmission.

Then follows a gradual absorption of first the helium and then the hydrogen, the photosphere grows continually cooler, and the star passes successively through the stages exemplified by Sirius, Procyon, the Sun, Arcturus and Antares. It can be shown that, if the density of distribution of the stars through infinite space is nowhere less than a certain limit which may be as small as we please , the total amount of light received from them assuming that there is no absorption of light in space would be infinitely great, so that the background of the sky would shine with a dazzling brilliancy.

Recently, however, the trend of astronomical opinion has been rather in favour of the belief that diffused matter may exist through space in sufficient quantity to cause appreciable absorption ; so that the argument has no longer the weight formerly attached to it. There is a Stoic element in the ethic of the Pauline epistles, but the theological affinity that the Johannine gospel, with its background of philosophic ideas, exhibits to Platonic and Neoplatonist teaching caused the effort at absorption to be directed rather in that direction.

Balard determined the volume composition of the gas by decomposition over mercury on gentle warming, followed by the absorption of the chlorine produced with potassium hydroxide, and then measured the residual oxygen.

There was much retrogression with the intrusion of new barbarian races; but from their absorption by the 10th century until the 10th there is not a century in which some notable gain was not made towards the attainments of modern civilization. In this way there arose a conservative school who admitted more or less freely the absorption of pre-existing lays in the formation of the Iliad and Odyssey, and also the existence of considerable interpolations, but assigned the main work of formation to prehistoric times, and to the genius of a great poet.

His philosophical theory was a dualistic one, postulating distinctness of nature for the divine and the human soul, and hence independent existence, instead of absorption , after the completion of mundane existence. It must not be employed in cases of renal disease, owing to the risks attendant upon absorption. The Holy See, however, has never withdrawn its claim to jurisdiction over it, nor have the Ruthenians ever been wholly reconciled to their absorption in the Russian Church.

Bourne discusses the part which Polk took in preventing the complete absorption of Mexico. There has been - taking long periods - a steady absorption of special taxes into more general categories. In the lowlands it loses much of its volume through evaporation and absorption by the sands, and through irrigation, and in its lower course in New Mexico its bed is frequently dry. With the peaceful absorption of the Principality into the realm of the Tudor sovereigns, the subsequent course of Welsh history assumes mainly a religious and educational character.

This, like the excretion of the sundew and other insectivorous plants, contains a digestive ferment or enzyme which renders the nitrogenous substances of the body of the insect soluble, and capable of absorption by the leaf. For his absolute individualism, which recognizes in the state, the church, the family only so many superficial and incidental provisions of human craft, the means of relief was absorption in the intellectual and purely ideal aims which prepare the way for the cessation of temporal individuality altogether.

But with the Indians this speculation leads to the complete abolition of all barriers between God and man, to a mystic pantheism, and to absorption in the universal Ego, in contrast with which the world becomes an unsubstantial phantasm and sinks into nothingness.

Where there has been local mischief due to inflammation the dead leucocytes must be removed, and this is done either by their being converted into pus in one mass, and making their way through the tissues to the nearest surface, whether of skin or mucous membrane, from which it can be discharged, or they may undergo a process of fatty degeneration and absorption , leaving behind in some cases cheesy matter, in others hard connective tissue.

One of the great difficulties in the way of applying this treatment is that in all probability many of the ferments or enzymes are altered during the process of absorption in the same way as the normal ferments of digestion, and unless the tissue enzymes can be isolated and injected subcutaneously the desired results will not be obtained. The health of the body depends upon the proper kind and supply of food, upon its proper digestion and absorption , on the proper metabolism or tissue-change in the body, and the proper excretion of waste.

This centralizing policy is as much the cardinal fact of Theban history as the counteracting effort of the smaller towns to resist absorption forms the main chapter of the story of Boeotia. Tartar emetic antimony tartrate when swallowed, acts directly on the wall of the stomach, producing vomiting, and after absorption continues this effect by its action on the medulla.

Its outlet is through the Lacahahuira river into the Coipasa swamp, and it is estimated that the outflow is much less than the inflow, showing a considerable loss by evaporation and earth absorption.

Engelmann showed, for instance, that these red-purple bacteria collect in the ultra-red, and to a less extent in the orange and green, in bands which agree with the absorption spectrum of the extracted colouring matter.

Not only so, but the evident parallelism between this absorption of light and that by the chlorophyll of green plants, is completed by the demonstration that oxygen is set free by these bacteria - i. Their spectra are only imperfectly known in a few cases, and the bearing of the absorption on the life-history is still a mystery. The purple bacteria have thus two sources of energy, one by the oxidation of sulphur and another by the absorption of " dark rays.

The effects produced by bacteria may be considered under the following heads: I tissue changes produced in the vicinity of the bacteria, either at the primary or secondary foci; 2 tissue changes produced at a distance by absorption of their toxins; 3 symptoms. The changes in the vicinity of bacteria are to be regarded partly as the direct result of the action of toxins on living cells, and partly as indicating a reaction on the part of the tissues.

The word " palingenesis " or rather " palingenesia " may be traced back to the Stoics, who used the term for the continual re-creation of the universe by the Demiurgus Creator after its absorption into himself. These differences took two separate and extreme types, the one of which forcibly separated the two natures so as to deny anything like a real union, while the other insisted upon a mixture of the two, or an absorption of the human in the divine.

In addition to the ancient churches which have separated themselves from the Orthodox faith, many have ceased to have an independent existence, owing either to the conquests of Islam or to their absorption by other churches. Under the most favourable conditions there is a slight loss of gold and silver in the fusion, the scorification and the cupellation, both by absorption in the slag and by actual volatilization and absorption in the cupel. This must be repeated at intervals of about half an hour, since some of the opium is excreted into the stomach after its absorption into the blood.

Abney and Baker have shown that the pure dry chloride does not blacken when exposed in a vacuous tube to light, and that the blackening is due to absorption of oxygen accompanied by a loss of chlorine. In many mystical Oriental religions the perfection of the human self is absorption in the infinite, as a ripple dies away on the surface of water.

The mid-gut is essentially the digestive and absorptive region of the alimentary canal, and its surface is, in most cases, increased by pouch-like or tubular outgrowths which not only serve as glands for the secretion of the digestive juices, but may also become filled by the more fluid portion of the partially digested food and facilitate its absorption. The process is normal: first, there is an unqualified adoption of a foreign culture by the Sadducees of the time being: then, after unqualified opposition, the Pharisees of the time admit whatever is admissible within the four corners of the Law and are confronted by other Sadducees who have not followed the first into temporary or permanent separation from the existing Jewish way of life and absorption in the immediate foreign environment, and who, therefore, will have none of the current innovations which the Pharisees have in course of time selected as capable of assimilation and reconciliation with the existing body of growing doctrine and practice.

In this sense alone quinine is a tonic. The hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice is stated to convert any salt of quinine into a chloride, and it seems probable that the absorption of quinine takes place mainly from the stomach, for when the drug reaches the alkaline secretions of the duodenum it is precipitated, and probably none of it is thereafter absorbed. The absorption of the acid hydrochloride is much more complete.

He has indeed praised "the self-sufficing power of solitude" in almost the same phrase as Wordsworth, and from time to time would even in youth seclude himself for a season in complete intellectual absorption , as when he toiled among his.

In both cases there is absorption and administration by the state of so much of the income of the community, and it may be a question whether the private ownership of the property would not be more expedient both for the state and its subjects than state ownership is, in spite of the apparent advantage to all concerned in the state getting so much of its income without the compulsion of a tax.

On the other hand, light can penetrate some distance into all substances, even the most opaque, the absorption being, however, extremely rapid in the latter case. The question of absorption may be considered from either of two points of view. There is another coefficient of absorption K which occurs in Helmholtz's theory of dispersion see Dispersion.

The law of absorption expressed by the formula 2 has been verified by experiments for various solids, liquids and gases. In the case of solutions, if the absorption of the solvent is negligible, the effect of increasing the concentration of the absorbing solute is the same as that of increasing the thickness in the same ratio.

In a similar way the absorption of light in the coloured gas chlorine is found to be unaltered if the thickness is reduced by compression, because the density is increased in the same ratio that the thickness is reduced.

This is not strictly the case, however, for such gases and vapours as exhibit well-defined bands of absorption in the spectrum, as these bands are altered in character by compression.

The small amount of red transmitted is at first quite overpowered by the green, but having a smaller coefficient of absorption , it becomes finally predominant. This will be my first time with some good absorption foam.

This reduces the absorption of cholesterol into the blood as well. If the stain is damp, the absorption will be greater. If the stain is dry, there will be little absorption. Taking a pill may be more convenient and guarantees complete absorption , And if they did, there would be an absorption factor. Similar words: absolution , absorb , absorbed , option , corporation , inception , adoption , deception.

Random good picture Not show. The Z series of atomic absorption spectrophotometers has been launched by Hitachi Scientific Instruments.

Both increased bone resorption and increased intestinal absorption of calcium occur. The bureaucracy benefits disproportionately from the absorption by the state of pre-capitalist institutions, offices, powers and duties.


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