How does developmental psychology relate to nursing
Even if you do not work in the mental health area, you can still use psychology on a regular basis in your career. In the book Psychology for the Profession of Nursing , the author explains that the study of psychology is the key that enables nurses to understand the emotional reactions of their patients.
Because of the mind-body relationship, it is possible to take into consideration the emotional needs of those in your care when addressing their physical health issues. For example, anxiety may cause a patient to refuse to get out of bed. Since a lack of movement can lead to secondary complications, such as bedsores, blood clots and respiratory infections, you could adjust the treatment plan to accommodate this emotion. In this case, the adaptation could include establishing easy short-term goals like getting out of bed three times a day, while encouraging this patient with the problem and not starting him out with an overly ambitious treatment goal.
If you have the trust of your patients, the likelihood that they will communicate openly about their symptoms and follow instructions to expedite their recovery is heightened. When nurses understand the behavior of their patients and provide them with emotional support, such relationships are fostered. Your training in psychology can serve you well in this capacity.
The link between psychology and nursing cannot be overemphasized because of the association between mental and physical health. For instance, young patients may be more afraid than adults. They may have difficulties in understanding their illness. A nurse can apply his knowledge of child development and psychology and relate to the young patients in a way their apprehensions are alleviated. Thus, psychology can help improve the nurse and patient relationship. As a result, patients can openly interact and communicate with them and inform them about their specific needs.
But their anxiety might be the primary cause behind the high vital sign. Knowing how to address and respond to sick patients is an important quality that nurses must possess, and it requires an understanding of psychology. For instance, if a patient is in pain, they might grow agitated. Or perhaps your patient is anxious about an upcoming procedure. While all nurses can benefit from the application of psychology in their professions, there are specific nursing careers that require a deeper understanding of psychology.
Here are some psychology-related nursing careers. Psychiatric-mental health nurses PMHN address patients with specific mental health issues, like bipolar disorder, depression, dementia, schizophrenia, and more.
For example, if a patient is suicidal, a PMHN might be called in to care for them. Or if a patient just endured a difficult trauma, they might require a PMHN to evaluate their mental state. End-of-life care is an extremely important and delicate service. Hospice nurses must possess a great deal of empathy and compassion for their patients, ensuring the patients, as well as their family members who are in mourning, are as comfortable as possible.
Having a deep understanding of grief and how individuals process death is needed to best support the patient and their family. Similar to hospice nursing, home care nursing involves working one-on-one with a patient in their home, often with family members around.
Working with school-age children can be complex, and you must have the patience and compassion to support children through issues like illnesses and injuries. Faith community nursing, also known as church or parish nursing, takes a holistic approach to health and serves a particular faith community group.
Nurses in this field provide mind-body-spirit care to patients. Nurses themselves need a basic understanding of their own emotions and what might come up while on the job. Skip to content. Why Is Psychology Important for Nursing? Michelle Paul December 10, No Comments. The Application of Psychology in Nursing Nursing is more than just charting and answering call bells.