Should i reroll monk

At the end of the day you're a DPS class. This is true wisdom for playing a Monk. Monk is not a DPS class. Some people might find it helpful if you elaborate on this point. OP, i gonna break it down for you. Just starting out with mediocre gear and being non-twinked It just depends on how far you plan to take that character. I said re-roll iksar I stand by that. I think STA is a solid option for people who don't have a guild willing to feed them gear.

Starting stats mean literally nothing. BUT, you not hafta look funny. Another thing to think about with the 80hp the Sta would give you is it adds another 20hp to your Mend, so it's basically an extra hp at the end of the game. If you're chasing magelo supremacy 20 stam to starting stats. If you're a realistic player with half a fucking brain cell Is it worth repeating levels ? Definitely don't reroll if you're sticking with a human as stats don't matter that much. If you want to be an iksar for the regen which is pretty OP , that would be understandable.

This is cognitive dissonance. If you have any brain cells, you'd know that the stats that matter most for a Monk are STA and then STR, so those are the skills you'd put points into. There's no way to justify not putting the points into STA other than lack of knowledge or inexperience.

Stacking any other stats on a Monk. There are starting stats that will benefit you, especially in the end-game STA and there are starting stats that actually will be irrelevant in the end-game everything not STA. It's pretty straightforward. I thought the whole point of the server was to repeat levels HP regen is fairly significant anytime you're taking damage considering it's equivalent to having extra gear slots with raw HP in them.

Same can be said for Stamina. If I had an extra gear slot to put a Djarn Ring in, I wouldn't be making up excuses to leave it empty. Thanks so much! Paragon Priorities are as follows for a basic fresh 70 monk using Uliana:.

This guide has been a huge help for me as a new player. Got my free set and the increase in power is real. Thanks a lot for the guide, I killed T4 Belial without many problems and without doing the GR20 or good sockets.

If anyone needs, the paragons and the skills were the same as the guide suggests, except for one swap, which is Cyclone Strike with the Soothing Breeze run for Sweeping Wind.

Really awesome content on this website. In the recent guide for season 9, you list one of the requirements for getting the 6 pc as having to kill Ghom on T1. The achievement requires T2. Hi Dave! Is there a good R6 grooup grift build? Blood Shard section gives a good idea. Depth Diggers is best, and everything else is tiny in comparison. Just a thought. No doubts about Diggers and RoRG, bis. Shenlongs gives an otherworldly DPS increase… youll unerstand once you try it.

Just to let you know guys, this work is appreciated, thank you very much! You have the build with Crippling Wave: Mangle but then you say to try to stack Assimilation as much as you can. Which is it? Thanks for pointing this out! It used to be Way of Hundred-Assimilation. Both are viable actually but Crippling is more stable. Fixing it!

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sign in. Log into your account. Password recovery. Support Us! Forgot your password? Get help. Team BRG. Season 24 and YOU. How does it affect? Wall of text level. Ethereals will vanish after S Core items preview - look out for these! Very roughly ordered vertically by priority.

Blackthorns Jousting Mail Legs Meh. I promise, though, that simpler will feel like a very limiting thing later on as you start to master whatever class you chose, and you'll yearn for more complexity. Post by Kayoru Yeah, I did read some guides but i have no problem to learn a class whether it's easy or difficult.

I will give it another try. Post by jarycu Yeah, I did read some guides but i have no problem to learn a class whether it's easy or difficult. It's also notsomuch the learning it, but it's doing the raids and dungeons over and over ad nauseum that makes you truly great with your class. When I started playing, it took me 4 months to get my warlock to max, and then I realized how badly I sucked at it.

I started many more toons, deleted almost as many as I started, but I kept going back to that Warlock. I eventually ran into another warlock who was amazing at my spec and he taught me how to play, and then I practiced for weeks and weeks until I was almost as good as he was. I heal less, oom faster, and am squishier with less useful cds than basically ever other healer monks are apparently the lowest represented healer in pvp by a wide margin.

Do you guys think its worth trying to stick around and hope for buffs? Or should I reroll to a different healer like a sham and cut my losses. Thanks for any advice! Personally I really like brewmaster and windwalker but I do miss pvp healing. Just came to the forums to ponder the same thing! I really wanted the monk thing to work this expansion but it all just seems to clunky and half baked both pve and pvp wise.

I use to main monk…look at its history. Other then tank usually Mw is so-so but always has mana issues. While WW starts strong then falls off fast to become a last pick to take. Unless tanking people should honestly just give up on the class until blizz actually makes changes to the class as a whole. They are never given proper treatment….

Just got back into warcraft after wotlk hiatus and trying to level a monk as my main.


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